The Governor of New York extends the state of emergency due to the migration crisis


New York state has decided to extend the state of emergency due to the ongoing migration crisis. 

This decision will allow the use of more public funds to provide shelter and humanitarian assistance to the newcomers, although it has also sparked reactions from some local communities opposing the reception of these migrants.

State Governor Kathy Hochul made this decision after requesting federal government intervention in the crisis from President Joe Biden. 

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The White House responded by explaining that Congress's lack of action limits their options for addressing this situation.

In the past fifteen months, over 100,000 immigrants deemed asylum seekers have arrived in New York, primarily in New York City. 

This influx has overwhelmed the public shelter system, leading to the establishment of more than 200 makeshift accommodation sites, including humanitarian aid centers.

However, the reception of migrants in some of these locations has encountered resistance in certain local communities. 

In the Staten Island district, for example, there have been protests and even arrests during demonstrations against the conversion of a former school into a temporary shelter for migrants.

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One of the prominent issues in this migration crisis is the slow processing of asylum applications, which delays newcomers' ability to seek legal employment. 

Both the state and the city have announced investments to assist these migrants in bureaucratic procedures.

Furthermore, Governor Hochul announced the implementation of a program to connect asylum seekers with work permits and job opportunities, along with the creation of a website portal where businesses can express their willingness to hire these newcomers.

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