Democrats turn out to vote in the Republican primaries in South Carolina to support Nikki Haley


Supporters of the Democratic Party came to the rescue of Nikki Haley in the Republican primaries in South Carolina on Saturday, a state with a particular electoral system that allows the participation of followers of other political parties and independent voters.

As observed by EFE at various polling stations near Charleston, the state's largest city, independent voters who came to vote in these Republican primaries were abundant in the lines, and all without exception said they had chosen Haley, although most quietly confessed that if she wins, they will not vote for her again in the presidential election.

South Carolina only contributes 50 delegates to the July Republican Convention where the party's presidential candidate will be nominated, but it holds enormous symbolic value for Nikki Haley: not only was she born and raised in the heart of this southern state, but she also served as its governor for two terms, from 2011 to 2017.

But today, few remembered Nikki Haley's tenure as governor, or very few mentioned it: the prevailing sentiment among those who admitted to voting for her — a clear majority in the testimonials collected by EFE — is that it was about "stopping Donald Trump," the favorite to win the Republican nomination.

At the Stiles Point school, an open polling center, Patrick Graham, a 53-year-old elementary school teacher and former journalist, has the following theory: "There is a whole strategy by Democrats to come today to vote for Nikki against Trump, but when it comes down to it, if she wins and faces (President Joe) Biden, all of them will vote Democrat in November."

Trump has argued that it is Democrats and independent voters who are supporting Haley in these open primaries, which also took place on January 23 in New Hampshire, and he claims that his rival lacks support among the Republican base.

Stiles Point is located in an area where wooden houses with huge gardens are scattered here and there, under the shade of the immense southern oaks from which the characteristic vegetable 'beards' fall. Getting to this school, to begin with, requires having a vehicle.

People of all ages who agree to speak with journalists repeat almost the same phrases: "Anyone but Trump"; "The country has never been so divided as with Trump," and they emphasize his unstable character and aggressive tone with those who do not think like him.