Nikki Haley raises one million dollars in less than 24 hours despite losing the primary election in South Carolina


Republican presidential aspirant Nikki Haley managed to raise one million dollars in less than 24 hours, despite losing the primary election in South Carolina to former President Donald Trump, who is seeking a return to the White House.

Haley, who secured only 40% of voter support, affirmed that she will continue the fight leading up to Super Tuesday on March 5, when several states will hold primaries.

"Millions of Americans want a better choice in these elections," said Haley's spokesperson, AnnMarie Graham-Bar, in a statement.

However, to stay in the race, she sought financial support from her followers on Sunday, shortly after losing the election in her home state, where she served as governor, in order to fund the campaign.

In a lengthy message sent early Sunday morning via SMS, she announced that she would go to Michigan later today — the next state to hold primaries — and then prepare for Super Tuesday.

"But for that, I need your help to fund my battle. Can you send a generous donation today to help me cover this critical next stretch?" her message states.

Graham-Bar emphasized that Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is "speeding toward Super Tuesday, where voters will have the opportunity to vote for her promise of American strength and an end to chaos."

She pointed out that the Republican aspirant has consistently reported impressive fundraising, including in January, surpassing Trump, when she reported $9.3 million.

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