Two police officers and a paramedic are murdered after responding to a domestic violence report in Minneapolis


Two police officers and a paramedic were shot this Sunday when responding to a domestic abuse report in a suburb of Minneapolis, police authorities reported. The suspect later died.

The deaths of the Burnsville police officers, the health professional, and the suspect were confirmed by the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association, which represents the state's public safety professionals.

Negotiations with the suspect lasted for four hours until a SWAT police team entered the house. There were seven children inside.

"Terrible news from Burnsville (...) When responding to a report of a family in danger, two police officers and a firefighter lost their lives, and other officers were injured," wrote Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on Facebook.

"We must never take for granted the bravery and sacrifices that our police officers and first responders make every day. My heart is with their families today and the entire state of Minnesota is with Burnsville," he added.

No further details were given about what caused the shooting in that neighborhood of tree-lined streets and two-story houses. After the incident, there were a large number of police vehicles, fire trucks, and ambulances on the street.

Other police agencies immediately began sending condolence messages on social networks, including images of police badges covered with a blue ribbon, a symbol of solidarity in the midst of mourning.

"We are heartbroken, our community of police officers is heartbroken. We are devastated by this terrible loss," said the association's executive director, Brian Peters, in a statement.

"These heroes leave behind loved ones and a community that will always remember their bravery and their dedication to the safety of Minnesotans," he added.

Jim Mortenson, director of Police Agency Services, which represents Burnsville police officers, said in a statement: "Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of the officers and first responders who responded to a domestic call this morning."

For her part, Minnesota Democratic legislator Angie Craig said in a message that she has been in contact with the mayor, the police chief, and state officials to offer any necessary federal assistance.

"Today serves as another solemn reminder that those who protect our communities do so at great personal risk," the legislator indicated.

Burnsville, with about 64,000 inhabitants, is located about 24 kilometers south of Minneapolis.